What do I need?

It’s simple – all we need is a copy of your latest bill, together with the cost summary that itemizes your spend across the fixed line and mobile networks.

With this information we will be able to very quickly produce a costs and savings proposal which will be emailed to you for your perusal.

Your telecoms questions

  • Find out why you should switch your business telecoms provider
  • A quick list detailing the items you need to start your telecoms switch
  • How does the telecoms switching process usually work?
  • How long does it take to switch my business telecoms provider?

SMEs must remain vigilant about assumptive supplier renewal tactics

Small and medium sized businesses in the UK must be wary of the assumptive renewal tactics employed by business electric and business gas suppliers in the UK, warns the Energy Advice Line. For the majority of SME business energy consumers assumptive renewal is common place when the client is coming to the end of a fixed term contract period. Read More…

Beware of Cold Callers!

Small and medium-sized businesses in the UK are being subjected to an increased number of unsolicited cold calls from energy sales agents or suppliers! This old fashioned sales tactic uses misleading information and tries to pressurize the customer into accepting a contract over the phone, usually on very high prices. Read More…

Beware of Supplier Win-Back Tactics warns the UK’s Energy Watchdog

Energywatch, the UK’s gas and electricity watchdog is warning customers to beware of win-back phone calls from British Gas Business. Read More…

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Our Supplier Panel

The Energy Advice Line is the UK's leading online price comparison and switching service dedicated to small and medium sized businesses in the UK.

Our online quotation engine has been designed to facilitate speedy but accurate commercial electricity and gas prices – all at the click of a button to allow you to search the market for the lowest prices from an extensive panel of suppliers and contract options.

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Say 'No' to cold calling on business energy

Unfortunately, business electricity and business gas customers in the UK are bombarded with unsolicited cold calls on a daily basis.

This unscrupulous approach does not offer the business energy customer an impartial view on the market and the price offered is more often 20-30% above the current retail price for electricity or gas.

At Energy Advice Line we strongly advise customers to not accept these offers and follow our simple steps to ensure that they are not locked into an uncompetitive contract.

Join our cold calling campaign here, and spread the word to say 'no' to cold calling on business energy!

Say No To Cold Calling on Business Energy