Price Comparison Sites In The UK

The increase in gas and electricity prices happens more than once a year and albeit it is a natural occurrence, some customers cannot tolerate the excessive price hike. This causes many energy customers to consider switching to another energy supplier. While switching has its own benefits and drawbacks, it is important to put several things into consideration first.

To begin with, you may start searching for Ofgem accredited price comparison sites. The website is designed to gather various data from a wide portfolio of UK energy suppliers.

The updated and accurate data gathered help the customer to compare the prices, tariffs, bundles, and discounts offered by different energy carriers. The online price comparison engine does not only make comparing convenient but also, it reduces the time and effort of the customer in finding a new provider.

Some of the well-known comparison sites in the UK are the following:

Established in 2001, is the first financial services comparison site in the United Kingdom. It is also the longest running web page that compares financial and insurance services such as life insurance, car insurance, home insurance, and gas and electricity prices. It makes switching easier by providing the necessary details such as the prices, bundles, tariffs, and much more.


Another popular comparison site is the uSwitch which is founded in 2000. The site lets customers check various prices of energy, insurance, communication, and personal finance services. uSwitch covers the Big Six and the small, independent energy carriers. Its goal is to find products that would help customers save at least 30% on their energy bills.

Energy Advice Line

Businesses can take advantage of Energy Advice Line’s comprehensive service. Customers can find the best deals and lowest rates on their website or the site will notify them about any latest update via email. Alerts are sent in case any energy supplier has changed their energy price. The site is also known for helping customers make their switching quick and easy.

Love Energy Savings

Love Energy Savings was founded in 2007. It is specialised in lowering the customer’s energy expenses by providing the cheapest energy prices. With their service, customers are not only able to reduce their costs but also save money on their energy bills. There are over 11,000 UK homes and businesses that benefited from their service.

Pros And Cons Of Switching

Price comparison sites are beneficial in switching because of the details it provides to the customers. However, every customer should know that there are still pros and cons once they switch to a new energy supplier.

Having a new electric and gas carrier gives you the opportunity to have lower rates and tariffs. You may also find a discount that would help you save. However, some company contracts include automatic renewal. This usually happens when the introductory period is over and while it doesn’t clearly indicate extra expenses, there are chances for new expensive energy rates. Moreover, your current supplier may charge you with an exit fee because of leaving the contract. Therefore, you should check with your suppliers first to know whether you need to pay for anything. The same thing goes for your new potential energy supplier; you should fully understand the company’s terms and conditions to avoid incurring any charges.

Our Supplier Panel

The Energy Advice Line is the UK's leading online price comparison and switching service dedicated to small and medium sized businesses in the UK.

Our online quotation engine has been designed to facilitate speedy but accurate commercial electricity and gas prices – all at the click of a button to allow you to search the market for the lowest prices from an extensive panel of suppliers and contract options.

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Say 'No' to cold calling on business energy

Unfortunately, business electricity and business gas customers in the UK are bombarded with unsolicited cold calls on a daily basis.

This unscrupulous approach does not offer the business energy customer an impartial view on the market and the price offered is more often 20-30% above the current retail price for electricity or gas.

At Energy Advice Line we strongly advise customers to not accept these offers and follow our simple steps to ensure that they are not locked into an uncompetitive contract.

Join our cold calling campaign here, and spread the word to say 'no' to cold calling on business energy!

Say No To Cold Calling on Business Energy