Information about energy supplier; Total Gas & PowerTotal Gas & Power is perhaps one of the most recognised brands in the world. The business energy provider was founded in 1987 as AGAS Limited. It is fully owned by Super major Total SA, a subsidiary of French Oil. The first independent gas supplier in the United Kingdom is also known as the biggest industrialised natural gas supplier. In 1999, its name was changed to Elf Business Energy after being acquired by Elf Aquitaine. However, it was renamed again as TotalFinaElf Gas and Power Limited in 2000 after Elf Aquitaine and Total Fina merged. Finally, it was changed to Total Gas & Power Limited, its current name today, after a re branding took place in 2003. Products Total Gas & Power supplies to various businesses; small, medium, and large. Their products are specifically designed according to the businesses’ demands. They believe that each business is unique that’s why the company created a range of electricity and gas products. For small and medium businesses that want their price unchanged, SmartFix is the best solution. This product allows the customer to fix the length of the contract between 1 to 4 years while paying for the same amount all throughout the agreement period. Meanwhile, other businesses can opt for Five For Five. Its price will remain the same for 5 whole years regardless of the activities in the market, leaving business owners to worry only about their business and nothing else. Another option is Market Match, a rate that lets customers pay less than those who opt for fixed price product. When the market rate drop, the price will be reduced as well. Moreover, if the rate change, Total Gas & Power will send the business a tailored information. Market Guard is another choice for customers who want to pay less if the market rate falls but protect the payment if the rate increases. Another option is the Eco-Energy product that comes from renewable sources. The Eco-Energy gas comes from recycled farm waste, food, and sewage while the Eco-Energy Electricity is from wind, sea, and sun. Meanwhile, customers who will avail this product will receive an Eco-Energy certificate. Last but not the least, the FreeStyle. This product gives the customer the freedom to change or leave without any exit fees after a year. New Application A new customer can apply online by going to the EnergyAdviceLine’s website, after completion, they will receive the Direct Debit and Declaration of Use forms in your Business Energy Essentials welcome pack. Larger Business Total Gas & Power has specifically designed a product for businesses that consume over 10GWh gas and electricity. Almost 99% percent of their customers have stayed after their contract, making them the leading gas supplier to huge commercial and industrial businesses in the United Kingdom. As a gas supplier, Total Gas & Power is known for the accuracy of their charges and now, they are building the same credibility on their electricity consumers. In May 2016, a study conducted by PwC shows that the gas and electricity supplier is transparent on its price and contract renewals and number one on investing long-term customer relationship. The company is also known for its innovative products and flexible terms. Expert advises and services were also given to help consumers in several things such as monitoring, optimizing, and managing energy use. Their dedicated Energy Services department provides consulting services that including a variety of renewable or low carbon technologies. Total Gas & Power also helps in funding the customer’s innovative projects, covering Energy Services Performance Contract (ESPC). Products And Services Estimated bills are frequent scenarios in meter reading and it only ends up having additional costs. Fortunately, with Total Gas & Power’s Automated Meter Reading (AMR) services, the customer can reduce estimated billing while having control of their energy. AMR has been approved by the CRC Energy Efficiency Scheme and ISO 50001 as the method for gathering energy data coming from the fiscal meters. It has numerous benefits compared to the manual reading especially to organizations who are experiencing the following: – Large businesses that find regular meter reading data a struggle. – The site location, security restrictions, and opening hours hinder the accessibility of the meter. AMR can help in other situations too and it works by the use of wireless technology. This means that Total Gas & Power can work on the meter remotely. Therefore, this is beneficial especially in monitoring the use of energy and reducing carbon emissions. Aside from the elimination of estimated bills and having accurate ones instead, having an AMR reduces mistakes in data entry due to human error. it also helps in proper forecasting and at the same time, lessen the chance of having environmental charges. Moreover, the powerful tool helps in reducing costs emissions. Selling Energy Businesses that have decided to sell their energy to Total Gas & Power made the right choice. Since 2008, the company has been in contact with independent generators and provide for the following sources: – Anaerobic Digestion (AD) – Biogas (gas to grid) – Biomass – CHP Generation – Diesel Generation – Solar PV Total Gas & Power, regardless of the business’ purpose and size, will help in granting access to the wholesale marketplace. The gas and energy supplier accepts payments in several options such as Direct Debit, Card Payment, By Post, At Banks, and BACS Payments. Meanwhile, moving premises is easy as consumers can easily receive the assistance they need from the dedicated team of Total Gas & Power. Emergency Essentials No matter how careful an individual is, accidents or emergencies come in the least expected time. Therefore, the customer should be aware of the possible accidents associated with gas and electricities. In case the gas smells in the area, it’s best to look for ventilation by opening doors and windows. For Electrical Emergencies, it’s best to call 105 or the national emergency number. The free service will provide the right advice recommended for your electricity issue. Nevertheless, it’s important to be aware of what is happening to properly address the concerns. Information stated above was sourced in May 2017 |