The facts about energy supplier Green Energy UK

Founded in the year 2001, Green Energy Plc provides gas and electricity to the homes in Scotland, Wales, and England. The sustainable energy company, which supplies green and renewable electricity, is UK’s only 100% green gas supplier. It was founded by chief executive officer Douglas Stewart.

Green Energy is also known as the first and only private company that provides a share to its consumers without any charge. This allows the consumers, or “shareholders,” to attend its AGM, offer suggestions, and ask the board. Therefore, Green Energy has developed through customer’s socialization, sponsorship, and social-related activities.

Fuel Mix

Known for being a pure green gas supplier, Green Energy is the first company to offer green-only tariff choices. One of it is the Sparkling tariff which readings from 100% renewable sources such as hydro, solar, wind, and biomass.  Another option is the Still and Tap tariff that is purely combined heat and energy power (CHP). Meanwhile, the Sparkling tariff was made more appealing by making its price competitive against the regional suppliers.


The company, which received the crown for the “Winners of Winners,” had its generators approved by Ofgem. It offers a large variant of sources from biomass, waste, small-scale hydro, photovoltaic sugar, CHP, wind, and anaerobic digestion.

Green Energy only purchases their green-sourced products from the United Kingdom without any nuclear or brown energy in its business. It promotes investment into renewable developments through the demand’s production of green electricity. The  100% green-sourced company serves homes and businesses in the UK.

Switch My Business

For businesses that are aiming to do more for the environment, applying with Green Energy is the simplest step to take. Switching to Green Energy is easy for any business and the company’s metering team can help with the connection.

This is applicable for businesses that are searching for a new, reliable provider; businesses in need of new meters to be exchanged or installed,; or businesses which power requirements are changing.

Switch My Home

Switching to a new supplier has been made easier by the Green Energy. The new customer can apply online by filling in the necessary details such as the name and address. Otherwise, they can talk to the customer service team by dialing 01920 486156.

Choosing Green Energy

There are update reasons why Green Energy is a good choice. One is their commitment to their customers which aim is not to become the biggest energy supplier instead increase the number of people using renewable energy. They focus more on gaining more customers rather than becoming the biggest because they believe that clean and green energy is important for the business and to the people itself.

What Can Green Energy Do For Your Business?

Clean and green electricity is best because it helps not only the people and the business but also the environment itself. Meanwhile, opting for Green Energy means so much for your business because it offers competitive, clear and transparent gas and electricity prices. The company provides fast and efficient customer service update and most calls readings within 30 seconds.

While it’s usual for energy suppliers to lock their customers into a contract, Green Energy believes otherwise. Apparently, they have no fixed terms contract because they want the customers to know that the reason they’re staying with the company is the customer they are happy with the service, not because they have signed a contract.

The green solutions-committed company provides e-billing for the reduction of carbon footprint. They also provide a secure online customer area where customers can check their bills and update their meter readings and account details. Meanwhile, to invite more consumers, free shares are provided as well as the invitation to the company’s AGM.

Switching to Green Energy ensure 100% use of renewable sources and green electricity. In addition, the business is given an accreditation logo to let their customers see their participation in the green move. Finally, the application is easy. No representative needs to visit the place and there will be no disruption in the supply.

Selling Energy

Green Energy buys energy from businesses and they offer PPAs for different kinds of renewable technologies. The advantage is that the company is open, flexible with the technologies and they make quick decisions. They will also help the business in terms of the certification plus provide other benefits that the business is not aware of.

Green Energy also offers assistance in red tape, blue tape, or any tape and regulation. They are voluntary FiT licensee that works with whatever technology the business have.

Meanwhile, for concerns about which product is best for homes, customers may call 01920 483046 to talk with their qualified staff.


Once the business decided to sell with Green Energy UK, their payments will depend on several factors.

For example, if they choose RO accreditation, they will receive the compensation for the entire Renewable Obligation Certificates (ROCs) generated. Meanwhile, quarterly payments are given to those who have registered under FiTs and signed on a PPA.

For payments about the distribution, it will be done on a monthly basis.

Prices and contract terms may be discussed over the phone by calling 01920 483046.

However, for managing the certificates, the business should create an account on Ofgem’s Renewable and CHP. For further information, please visit

FiT fee In Brief

Feed in Tariffs, or FiT in short, is a government’s act of paying small businesses and even homeowners because of producing their own energy. The rate covers the following sources — hydro, anaerobic digestion, wind, and solar. To be qualified for FiTs, they generator should have the capacity of up to 5MW.

The payments are split in half — generation and export.

With generation, customers are paid based on the unit they generate. However, it varies from the technology scale and type. For the export, this tariff deals with the every excess unit that returns into the grid.

Interested householders and small business owners may register by downloading the FiT forms available on

They may also call Green Energy UK on 01920 483046 or email for concerns and clarifications.

Information stated above is from research done in May 2017

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Unfortunately, business electricity and business gas customers in the UK are bombarded with unsolicited cold calls on a daily basis.

This unscrupulous approach does not offer the business energy customer an impartial view on the market and the price offered is more often 20-30% above the current retail price for electricity or gas.

At Energy Advice Line we strongly advise customers to not accept these offers and follow our simple steps to ensure that they are not locked into an uncompetitive contract.

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