All you need to know about Crown Gas & Power

Crown Oil Ltd, which started trading in 1928, has an energy division called Crown Gas & Power based in the United Kingdom. The energy supplier has its unique approach when it comes to dealing with various businesses, from small commercial trading to multi-site companies. It offers various services such as tailored billing, flexible contracts, and customized payment terms which help its customers save time and energy. The company lessens the hassle that usually happens when switching to another gas and electricity supplier. Moreover, the company boasts on providing competitive prices together with their first class customer service.

Installation of Electricity and Gas

Crown Gas & Power has been in the market for a long time, serving customers with nothing but natural gas. Together with this, the energy supplier provides variable contract lengths, competitive pricing, and first-rate customer service.

The UK energy provider supplies to SME & micro business, commercial business gas, and higher quantity business gas. The company itself will arrange the entire installation process, its meters, and the advanced metering technologies.

Installing a new connection with Crown Gas & Power is quick and easy and it gives little to no disturbance to the business. Receiving professional service is guaranteed as the company works with the statutory providers that let them give timescales and competitive rates.

To match with the newly installed connection, new meters of all sizes are available and it works for both the gas and electricity. Moreover, it comes with the half hourly and non-half hourly electricity meters and standard and rotary gas meters.

Meanwhile, for customers who want to have their meters and cable moving but don’t want any disruption of their services, an alteration service is provided as a cheaper and faster alternative service.

Customers who received their service of meter installation can also take advantage of Automated Meter Reader technologies. Also known as AMR, the tool reduces carbon footprint, therefore, helping the environment.

Gas Quotes

New customers who are seeking for Crown Gas & Power’s gas quotes can go online and fill in a form. The 5-minute online form only asks basic questions such as the name, company name, email address, telephone number, and MPRN.

A support agent is ready to assist a new customer via an online chat.

Automated Meter Reader

Unlike traditional meter reading, the AMR automatically sends the energy consumption to the supplier. By directly connecting the device to the meter, Crown Gas & Power receives the necessary data, allowing them to view the accurate meter billing. Aside from reducing the hassle of manually writing the bill, it also seizes estimated bills. In addition, the gas and electricity supplier can also post the customer’s consumption on their Web Portals, letting the user view and download a copy of their consumption hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly. By being updated, the business can manage and control their energy consumption and costs effectively.

This is advisable for businesses with over 732,000 kWh gas consumption as Crown Gas & Power is legally asked to install the device. This is in compliance with the Governments Advanced Meter Obligation. However, even small businesses that consume less gas can also take advantage of this.

An Automated Meter Reader works by connecting the meter to the metered consumption which uses GPRS technology to send the data automatically to the energy provider.

Meanwhile, manual meter readings can be submitted in three ways: over the phone (0161 762 7744), email (, or online (

Benefits of AMR

An AMR meter is an Advanced Meter Readings, meaning you take the meter readings manually from the meter, as opposed to a smart meter that remotely reads the meter. AMR benefits the user in many ways and one of which is its capability to save time and effort. Using AMR, the customer doesn’t need to exert physical effort in reading and sending the meter as it sends data automatically. Not only does it save time and effort but also, it provides convenience.

Saving money is possible with AMR because the customer will only pay for what it is consuming. Moreover, it gives accurate billing, thus, lessening estimated bills.

In addition, taking advantage of Crown Gas & Power’s Portal lets the customer view their energy consumption. This data allows the customer to plan on how they will reduce their energy consumption and maximize their savings.

Most of the time, installing the AMR will not interrupt the supply. However, in any case of meter upgrade, the commercial partners of Crown Gas & Power will notify the customer in advance.

Switching To Crown Gas & Power

Changing to a new supplier is difficult, however, Crown Gas & Power made it easier, by calling experts at Energy Advice Linet. However, the energy supplier doesn’t have its own direct sales team, instead, they work with UK’s most recognized Energy Management Consultants. Since customers have the freedom to compare prices, they can choose their own contract according to their preference.

Working With Consultants

Crown Gas & Power welcomes consultants who are willing to work with transparent and open suppliers. Working with one of UK’s energy supplier is already a privilege; what’s more is that it makes every consultant feel like they are a part of the team and a customer that receives the treatment they deserve.

Another benefit of working with Crown Gas & Power is that it does not compete with the consultants, instead, they work with them as a team. They are open for concerns and recommendations and flexible with suggestions.

Consultants need to complete a TPI agreement, which means that they will work in two ways. First is as a dedicated sales contact that will work on any sales-related matters. This includes pre-negotiations and the contracts.

Once a contract has been signed, the consultant will also work as the direct customer account manager, who will handle several things such as bill validation, payments, queries, change of location, etc. The workload may sound a little bit too much but Crown Gas & Power has its own way of keeping the transactions smooth and easy.

Information stated above from research in May 2017

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The Energy Advice Line is the UK's leading online price comparison and switching service dedicated to small and medium sized businesses in the UK.

Our online quotation engine has been designed to facilitate speedy but accurate commercial electricity and gas prices – all at the click of a button to allow you to search the market for the lowest prices from an extensive panel of suppliers and contract options.

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Say 'No' to cold calling on business energy

Unfortunately, business electricity and business gas customers in the UK are bombarded with unsolicited cold calls on a daily basis.

This unscrupulous approach does not offer the business energy customer an impartial view on the market and the price offered is more often 20-30% above the current retail price for electricity or gas.

At Energy Advice Line we strongly advise customers to not accept these offers and follow our simple steps to ensure that they are not locked into an uncompetitive contract.

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