Best Electricity Hacks to Help you Compare Utility PricesWith the rising costs and shrinking economy, more and more people are acting responsible and searching for reasonable ways to save electricity. The other reasons apart from these are that saving electricity will bring down your electricity bills, save you money and decrease pollution. Although many people have shifted to renewable sources such as solar power and aside from compare utility prices, there is other electricity saving tips too which will help you to conserve power.
Electricity Saving At Home Replace old light bulbs with new florescent bulbs. Turn off the lights when not in use. Never leave electrical appliances on a standby. Keep doors and windows closed when heat or air conditioning is on. Check heat setting on the water heater. By lowering down the temperature you can reduce electricity. Put a layer of insulation around the water heater. Avoid using dryers in the washing machine since they consume a huge amount of electricity when switched on. Turn off the water when brushing teeth and use less water in your shower which will save electricity which is used to heat water. Do not use light bulbs during day hours. Use sunlight as much as possible.
Electricity Saving At Office Use Ceiling fan as much as possible instead of air conditioners. Use maximum daylight and use florescent bulbs. They are initially more expensive than the regular bulbs, but the benefits of the CFL bulbs will prove much more cost-effective in the long run by the amount of power they will save. Switch monitors of your PC when you are going to be away from PC for more than 10 mins. Use LCD monitors instead of CRT monitors. Get the consumption of AC’s, PCs, Printers, Scanners, Refrigerator, Microwave Lift, EPBAX, lights, coffee machines etc. checked. There are some power saving pieces of equipment available which can be installed near the main point, which controls the excess supply being sent to the machine. Keep the doors & windows of the office closed when AC’s are on. But always make sure you are on the cheapest prices on the market, use a business electricity price comparison site to get the view of the full energy market.
What Are the Benefits of Saving Electricity? Much of the world has become completely reliant on electricity. In fact, without electricity, much of the modern-day comforts we enjoy would no longer be possible. Unfortunately, many people overuse or waste electricity, resulting in negative impacts both on the environment and the pocketbook. Saving energy through simple measures, such as turning off lights in unused rooms and turning down your water heater, can provide you and the environment with a wide range of benefits. 
Money One of the most immediate benefits of saving electricity is the amount of money you will save each month on your utility bills. Each time you turn on a light or computer, take a shower or put on a wash, you are using energy. Your utility company keeps track of the energy used in your home or office, often with a smart meter, they have had installed. By using less electricity and being on the right contract, you are charged less money each month. Use an energy compare website to get the right contract for you and your companies needs.
Mining and Drilling Another benefit of using less electricity is the positive impact you can have on the environment. Most electricity comes from energy produced by fossil fuels such as oil, natural gas and coal. These fuels are naturally found in the earth and in most cases require drilling or mining of the environment to be made available. These extraction processes come with many risks of environmental contamination from mining operations, drilling leaks or explosions, such as the catastrophic oil rig explosion in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010. 
Transportation Using less energy also reduces the amount of transportation needed to move fossil fuels from their drilling or mining site. Every form of transportation requires fuel, including trucks, planes, trains and boats. The most common form of fuel for these vehicles is crude oil in the form of gasoline. When gasoline is burned to create energy, greenhouse gas emissions are created. These gases, such as carbon dioxide and methane, trap heat in the atmosphere, contributing to global problems such as climate change, states the Environmental Protection Agency.
Burning Once fossil fuels are transported to a power facility, some are burned to create electricity. For example, coal is ground and mixed with hot air in order to burn at a high heat. The heat from the coal is used to heat boilers which power turbines and create electricity. Unfortunately, burning the coal–like burning gasoline in a vehicle–creates greenhouse gas emissions. By reducing the amount of electricity you use, you reduce the amount of electricity that needs to be produced, thus reducing greenhouse emissions and positively affecting the environment. 
Health Reducing your electrical use can also benefit your health. For example, turning off the television may encourage you or your kids to go outside and play or do something more active. Choosing to play board games instead of video games–saving electricity in the process–helps increase the health and happiness of your family by providing time together.