Amazing Tips to Compare Energy Plans When developing a plan to conserve energy in the home, the first thing that a resident or business owner should do is identify the biggest sources of energy usage. Typically the largest amount of energy, nearly thirty percent, is dedicated toward heating a home or office. The next largest, at over fifteen percent, is cooling, followed closely by the water heater and household appliances. The next step is to figure out where energy is being used when it doesn’t need to be. Reducing the amount of wasted electricity is an essential part of saving energy in the home. Typically the biggest sources of wasted energy include the heating and air conditioning system, as well as lights and consumer electronics on standby power. The second thing a resident or business owner should do is compare the energy contract they are on with energy advisor Energy Advice Line. This will allow you to get business electricity price comparisons from across the whole energy market in one place. Having the best energy rate is the best way to start your money saving tips, that way when you do use energy it will be at the best price. Conserving energy can be achieved by either high-tech means or by basic changes in one’s behavior. One high-tech way to measure a home’s energy usage is to use a device called a watt-hour meter. It is an electronic device that sits between a device’s power plug and an individual wall outlet and measures the device’s power usage over time. A watt-hour meter is useful for pinpointing problem areas within the home where energy usage is either unexpected, excessive, or both. Replacing an aging or broken appliances with Energy Star-compliant appliances will also reduce a house’s energy usage. Installing solar heating will take some of the workload off a water heater, and letting in sunlight during the day will reduce the need for daytime lighting. Low-tech ways of cutting energy usage and waste are also helpful when a meter is unavailable. Locating devices that are on standby power and turning them off, is a big way to save energy. Video game consoles and set-top boxes such as digital video recorders and cable TV receivers are among the biggest users of standby power. Appliances like refrigerators can waste energy, especially if their motors are constantly running. Refrigerators with old door seals will run constantly in order to keep their contents cool, resulting in excessive usage of electricity. Replacing these seals can save energy, as will keeping refrigerators and freezers full. Turning off lights in rooms where they’re not being used, is another good way to save energy. One of the biggest ways to cut down on waste is to set the thermostat lower during the winter and higher during the summer so that the system isn’t running as often. Conserving energy is as important as finding new sources of energy. Although government and scientists make efforts to find alternative ways to supply energy, regular people should do their part. This means taking steps within their own homes to conserve and reduce the amount of energy that they consume. A home that focuses on energy efficiency can use up to forty percent less energy than average. By reducing energy usage and compare energy plans, people also receive the additional benefits of saving money as well. Save Energy and Money Energy ThermostatUse Your Thermostat Turning up the temperature during the summer and turning it down during the winter are great strategies for putting your thermostat to work for your wallet. The DOE recommends setting the air conditioner at 74 degrees and the furnace at 68 to keep your house comfortable while reducing your energy costs and decreasing the demand on the energy grid. A programmable thermostat lets you make the house hotter or cooler during periods when you aren’t home. This reduces the temperature difference between the exterior and interior of your house, which in turn reduces energy loss. If you don’t have a programmable thermostat, you can manually adjust your existing unit. Ceiling Fans If you have ceiling fans in your house, turn them on and use them properly. According to Energy Star, a voluntary labeling program sponsored by the DOE and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), ceiling fans should be set to spin counter-clockwise in the summer, which pulls hot air up to the ceiling and away from the living space. In the winter, reverse the setting so the fans blow the hot air down.  Energy Star AppliancesEnergy Star Appliances Energy Star also identifies energy-efficient appliances, including washers, dryers, refrigerators, freezers, dishwashers, dehumidifiers, room air conditioners, computers and more. When you are shopping for new appliances, look for the Energy Star label and you can rest assured that the items you are purchasing will go a long way toward saving you some cash. The point here is to not increase the use of these items just because they are energy savers. This is much the same as concept low-fat food: consuming more defeats the purpose. Home Electronics Stereos, DVD players, televisions, kitchen appliances, and any other plugged-in appliances draw a small amount of power even when turned off. Large LCD and plasma televisions consume up to 400 watts of energy when in use and about four watts when not in use, according to the British Broadcasting Corporation. Use the surge suppressor to turn them completely off when not in use, or unplug these items until you really need them.  |