Compare Electricity Prices and Save on BillsYou can save on your energy bills a few different ways. You can save by getting the best electricity prices, rates and contracts available or you can reduce your electricity usage. To get the most affordable energy rates you need a broker like, who are experienced energy gurus. They have worked in the industry for a long time and understand the complicated term and conditions as well as the differences between contracts and prices. It is important to do a personal and business electricity prices comparison so that you are on the best rates wherever you are using energy. It is hard to save power in this day and age as everything uses power but we have some tips for you; 
Save Power: Here’s what You Can do The increasing popularity of global energy-saving initiatives like Earth Hour shows us that, not only is there an overwhelming need for us all to conserve energy and start to preserve natural resources, there’s also a great deal of interest around the world in finding out the best ways to save power on an individual level and if you can compare electricity prices.
- Appliances
Unplug your appliances when they’re not in use. Your TV, computer, microwave and even some washing machines have a ‘standby’ mode, which means they’re still using energy even when they’re not in use. Buy appliances with a good energy rating The more stars, the better – but think about size first. Often it’s easier for a larger model to be more efficient (and therefore have more stars) than a smaller one. However, since it is bigger, its overall energy consumption is usually higher. Pick the right washing machine Although they usually cost more to buy, most front-loading washing machines save you money over time and are kinder to the environment because they use less power, water and detergent than top loaders. Choose an energy-efficient fridge Your fridge and freezer is working non-stop and the energy it consumes adds up quickly. All new fridges sold in Australia must meet Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS). Look for a model that uses a hydrocarbon, such as butane or pentane, as the refrigerant and/or blowing agent for the insulation foam. All fridges on the market are CFC-free, so don’t base you purchase decision on “CFC free” labels. See our Fridge buying guide. - Heating and cooling
Insulate your roof or ceiling This will help keep your home a pleasant temperature in summer and winter. It saves you money on energy bills and pays for itself over a relatively short time. Draught-proof You can draught-proof your home by making sure doors and windows are properly sealed – you can buy draught excluders or window seals very cheaply. Seal your chimney with a damper This will help to keep heat from escaping in winter – assuming the fireplace isn’t in use – and help stop hot air from coming in during the warmer months. Avoid installing downlights Besides using a lot of energy, they penetrate the ceiling and insulation, causing heat loss. Compact fluorescent lightbulbs (CFLs) are a good option for lighting. Close all external windows and doors This is especially important when your heater or air conditioner is running. Shade your windows During hot summer days this will help to keep the heat out, and on cold nights curtains or blinds help to keep the heat in. Turn on the air conditioner early If you have an air conditioner, try to use it only on really hot or humid days, and if you expect a hot day, pre-empt the heat rather than waiting until your home is already hot. (Similarly, start heating early when expecting a cold day.) Look for programmable timer and thermostat controls. Set your air conditioner at the highest temperature setting at which you still feel cool enough; 25ºC is usually adequate. Each 1°C increase of the thermostat setting will save about 10% on your energy usage. See our Air conditioners buying guide. Install ceiling fans Ceiling fans are much cheaper than air conditioning and have less impact environmentally. - Transport
The government’s Green Vehicle Guide allows you to compare the environmental impact and fuel consumption of all new passenger and light commercial vehicles up to 3.5 tons. Even if you have a fuel-efficient car, whenever possible it’s a good idea to leave it at home and walk, cycle, catch public transport or car pool. - Water
Water-efficiency labels The Water Efficiency Labelling and Standards (WELS) scheme allows you to compare the water efficiency of different products – the more stars the better. Ratings are compulsory for all new domestic washing machines, dishwashers, showers, toilets, urinals and most taps. Rainwater Collected rainwater is ideal for watering your garden. Contact your water authority and local council for advice on how to install and maintain a rainwater tank. Greywater Recycled greywater from showers, laundry tubs and washing machines can be stored for use on the garden (or even in toilets and washing machines), or it can be diverted to the garden with a plumbed-in diverter. Conditions may apply in the area where you live – contact your local council for advice. Buy a water-efficient showerhead These are great water-saving devices for daily use. However, if you have an instantaneous hot-water system, the flow rate of a low-flow shower head may not be enough to start it. Check with your installer. If you have a gravity-fed water system (the water flows from your tank to your taps without being pumped), make sure you buy a shower head that’s designed to cope with low pressure. - Green power
The average household emits around 14 tons of greenhouse gases every year, half of which is from electricity generation. This contributes to climate change and global warming. One simple and relatively cheap way that we can all start to make a difference is by switching our electricity to “green” power. This means using power generated from clean renewable sources such as the sun, wind, water and waste power, rather than coal. |