Why use Energyadviceline.org.uk?

We’re experts in helping businesses get a better deal for their gas or electricity, making it easy for them to do a business electricity price comparison and switch to cheaper, fairer rates.
We’ll compare prices and arrange your switch to save you time, money and hassle.
You’ll avoid expensive rates in the future as we’ll be on hand to help you arrange a new deal and remind you when it’s time to renew.
We only work with suppliers who we trust to offer great deals and brilliant service to our customers.
All it takes to set up your switch is one short phone call – we’ll take care of the rest.

Why Do I Need A Business Electricity Account

Businesses typically pay different rates to domestic users, and policies are set up differently but we make it easy to compare business electricity prices.
A business account is similar to a mobile-phone contract. You set up the policy for a term of 1-5 years and based on your business and size of premises, the supplier will estimate how much energy you’ll need. With that estimate, the supplier will then be able to give you a set amount to pay each month.

If you have a large business, you can install meters that update every 30 mins, instead of every hour, or multiple meters to more accurately report your energy usage.

Business electricity prices comparison

When it comes to business expenses, gas and electricity are not the only costs we can help you reduce. We provide instant electricity prices from all major suppliers and explain the process. Our advisors have helped 1000’s of customers beat their electricity renewal rates and save as much as 70%.

Business Electricity Comparison – FREE ONLINE

Our System is a free online comparison and switching service dedicated to Companies in the UK that enables you to check the market at the click of a button. Even if you do not have your bill in front of you, our online quote engine provides you with the most competitive options available in the UK, so you can make a saving with the confidence that you have compared the market and made a well-informed, confident decision.

Our service does not end with getting you the cheapest rates, we will also manage your switch and make sure that you transfer to your new supplier as quickly as possible. Most importantly you will not suffer any interruption to your supply!

The most important element of protecting your Company from unplanned price rises is two-fold. Firstly, we always advice customers moving into a new work premises is to compare and switch energy as soon as the lease or freehold agreement has been signed, to avoid being moved onto very expensive out-of-contract rates we help you find the cheap business electricity prices. Secondly, if you are coming to the end of a fixed term contract with your current supplier, it has never been more important to spend some time and go online to compare rates against what you are being offered on renewal

Business Energy Prices

At Energy Advice Line, we provide a free price alert service where we email you with the latest price trend every time a supplier changes their price. Suppliers only tend to inform the market when they change their domestic tariff but owners are often kept in the dark. The price alert service will simply email the company owner every time a supplier on the extensive supplier panel changes a price up or down.

This will allow the business owner to gain an understanding of market trends very quickly which we hope will allow a good informed decision to be made about when to agree a new  contract.

Contract Renewal Reminder Service

Your account manager will contact you on approach to the end of your FTC expiry date and the current business electricity price comparison rates. We will contact you with your renewal offer from your current supplier as well as compare them with what is available from other suppliers as new business options.

Our aim is to seamlessly secure the most competitive price and prevent your current supplier from moving you onto expensive roll over or ‘deemed out of contract’ prices, which are designed to maximize the supplier’s profitability – to the detriment of its customer.

The Cheapest Electricity Prices Comparison on the Market

Furthermore, not only are we committed to offering you the best electricity prices for your business on the market, but we analyse the supplier’s small print, terms and conditions, and give them a ‘star rating’ based on them meeting certain criteria. We compare the prices but also identify what we would consider unfair terms that could be detrimental to your company. This way you get the lowest prices, as well as understanding exactly what you are signing up for.

The business prices you are paying now could increase significantly overnight, so it pays to check now with the EAL. We pride ourselves on being a consumer champion, helping firms of all sizes find the cheapest commercial electricity prices on the market.

Controlling the Cost of your Business’ Electricity Bills

Energy regulator OFGEM has investigated business price comparison and found that firms who use a reputable price comparison service, like the EAL, are more likely to have lower bills than those who stay with the same supplier year after year. There is no doubt that it literally pays to shop around and to stay in control of the businesses electricity or gas supply.

Say NO to Cold Calling on Electricity and Gas

At Energy Advice Line, we actively campaign against business owners and decision makers being called out of the blue by agencies and suppliers that buy customers’ data we beleive all should compare there business electricity prices. In most instances, the data tends to be very expensive, which then has a detrimental effect on the price that these cold calling companies offer you. They will tend to have to build in extra margins on the prices to pay for the data. Ultimately, this approach does not benefit anyone apart from the commission hungry cold callers. We strongly advise customers not to engage with someone that calls you out of the blue and firmly believe that if you want to provide the a business electircity price comparison on the market you should invite the contact and speak to a company that you want to speak to remember its important to compare business electricity prices each year.

Please join the campaign today and let us lobby the regulator to try and prevent this approach. There is nothing worse than being bombarded by unsolicited cold callers – that’s why we actively campaign against it – join the campaign today!

Leading the way on Trustpilot

We currently leads the way on Trustpilot.

Trustpilot are considered one of the best review communities in the UK that builds trust and transparency between consumers and businesses. It gives the opportunity for all EAL customers to review our service.

Use a widget from the Trustpilot website pulling in EAL’s current score.

Best Price First Time Policy

When you contact EAL , whether you compare prices online or call a customer advisor at our UK service center we will offer you the best price first time for your meter configuration. Our overriding aim is to save our customers as much money as possible by doing the best business electricity comparison possible.

As a direct comparison, if we compare this with the majority of suppliers on a direct basis, they will only tend to offer you a price in the first instance that will allow them to earn as much money as possible. It is then up to you to make an informed decision on what you do going forward. This does not sit very well with the team at EAL, as this approach creates an element of distrust between supplier and customer – which ultimately affects the trust perception of the customer on the entire market.

We remain completely independent of this and our track record over the 10 years and the vast number of positive customer reviews we receive backs up our promise that we will offer you the best, most competitive price first time every time

Facts about Contracts

The majority of businesses (93%) have a fixed contract for their gas/electricity supply and pay by direct debit (86%). Around two thirds of businesses with a fixed term contract report that the duration of these are for either one (32%) or two (34%) years.

41% of businesses recall receiving the contract renewal letter reported having read it in detail; 47% had glanced at it or skim read it. Recent ‘switchers’ and those who have recently shopped around for a new contract were more likely to have read the letter in detail.

Eighty-two per cent of businesses with fixed term contracts know when it ends; 59% know exactly and 23% know approximately. Three fifths of businesses with fixed term contracts (62%) know when they are able to start renegotiating or giving notice of termination; 16% know exactly and 46% know approximately.

Key Findings about the The Market

  • 41% use both mains electricity and gas
  • 56% of businesses with both mains electricity and gas have the same supplier for both
  • On average, businesses spend £4,048 (including VAT) per annum on electricity; £2,744 (including VAT) on mains gas.
  • Across all businesses, electricity expenditure accounts for 80% of all energy expenditure; gas expenditure for 20%.
  • Across businesses with both mains electricity and gas, electricity expenditure accounts for 63% of all energy expenditure; gas expenditure for 37%.
  • On average, electricity expenditure accounts for 14% of all costs across sites and 11% for gas.
  • In 2016 1 in 3 businesses (33%) report having a smart meter; a slightly higher proportion than in 2014 (30%).
  • The majority of businesses said they pay for their supply by direct debit (86%). Businesses with 10-49 employees are more likely to pay this way (89%) in comparison to businesses with 1-4 employees (84%).
  • 1 in 10 businesses pay only on receipt of the bill (via cash, cheque, credit card or BACS). There is little variation in this respect by business size, but the proportion that pay on receipt of the bill is higher than average within the construction (14%) and business services (13%) sectors.
  • Paying on receipt of a bill is more prevalent amongst the small proportion of businesses without a fixed term contract (32%, compared with 9% of those that are on a fixed term contract).
  • The majority of businesses (93%) have a fixed term contract for their gas/electricity supply. This is a similar proportion to that reported in 2014 (92%). It varies little by business size but is higher than average amongst businesses within the transport, food and accommodation sectors (97%) and lowest within business services sectors (90%).

Dual Fuel Customer Switching Habits

The majority of businesses on a fixed term contract (82%) review their supply arrangements when their contract comes up for renewal.

Nearly two thirds (64%) have switched supplier in the last 5 years; this is a significantly higher proportion in 2014 at 60%. 13% have switched at least three times in this period.

25% of businesses have switched supplier in the last 12 months (compared to 23% in 2014).

33% of businesses have not switched in the last 5 years and nearly half of these (44%; 16% of all businesses) have never considered switching. This is a decrease compared with 2014 (39% and 19% respectively).

One in five businesses that switched in the last 5 years contacted one or two suppliers when they last considered switching (21%), with a slightly higher proportion having contacted three (23%) and fewer having contacted four (16%) or five (15%). Another fifth (21%) contacted more than five suppliers for a quote. This includes contact made with a supplier through a price comparison service or broker this seems to be clearly the best way do the fairest business electricity price comparison.

Cost savings remain by far the most likely reason for switching; 89% have switched in the last 5 years say it was because they were offered a lower price.

Domestic Customer Switching Habits Reviewed

A report published in May 2016 by the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) shows more than 70% of energy consumers have never switched tariffs.

A survey of 7000 domestic customers carried out by the CMA as part of its probe into the market also found that more than one-third of respondents had never considered switching supplier.

This was despite the fact that customers of the Big Six companies could have saved hundreds of pounds by switching to a rival firm.

Although this report has proved that switching suppliers has significant financial benefits millions of customers still fail to do it.

The CMA report, the culmination of a two-year, £80 million investigation of the energy industry, found that:

  • 36% of those surveyed did not know it was possible to change tariff, payment method and supplier
  • 34% said they had never considered switching supplier
  • 56% said they had never switched supplier
  • 72% said they had never switched tariff

The report found that dual fuel customers of the Big Six suppliers could have saved an average £164 per year by doing a good business electricity price comparison and switching over the previous three-and-a-half years, and in some cases as much as £245. The report pointed out that the potential savings from switching had risen substantially over the past two years, in some cases (depending on tariff) of £330 annually this really shows why its so important to compare business electricity prices every single year.

The CMA stated that independent and reliable services like the ours are the quickest, easiest and cheapest way to shop around, compare the cheapest power and gas for their business and change suppliers seamlessly and quickly.

Finding the right service for energy prices no longer has to be the pain it once was – First tip we would give is stay away from the cold callers in this market! As your probably already aware cold calling is absolutely rife and doesn’t look like stopping anytime soon, recently Ofgem changed the rules on rollover of contracts making it easier to get out of them and find a better price which was a massive win for the consumer! Now the bad part the cold callers from all counties jumped on board and started calling all hours of the day so our first bit of advice is be careful never sign up to a cold caller.

Our service makes your whole switch over incredibly easy as 90% of it done online all you need to do is fill in your details including your meter details so the suppliers can give you an accurate price without that it makes it difficult for the supplier to give you the details they need to make sure your price is correct.
What happens next is the clever bit the suppliers give a price for your area and your type of meter (they all vary) and we simply will run through all the rates for you all you need to do is pick the one you want! Couldn’t be easier than that.

Here at EAL we even go one step further we will help you should you have a problem in your supply and even call you to remind you contract is due up this way you won’t get stuck on any higher price contracts while you sort out your supply. Don’t be fooled a lot of people get hit with this every year this is how the suppliers make their money and trust me you don’t want to be on the end of one of these price hikes.
This is where our service comes in the cost for all this? Its Free what more do you want than that.

Our Supplier Panel

The Energy Advice Line is the UK's leading online price comparison and switching service dedicated to small and medium sized businesses in the UK.

Our online quotation engine has been designed to facilitate speedy but accurate commercial electricity and gas prices – all at the click of a button to allow you to search the market for the lowest prices from an extensive panel of suppliers and contract options.

1 5 16 17 13 71 14 110 22 28 44 58 31 51 36 60 46 65 70 79 81

Customers Love Us !

Say 'No' to cold calling on business energy

Unfortunately, business electricity and business gas customers in the UK are bombarded with unsolicited cold calls on a daily basis.

This unscrupulous approach does not offer the business energy customer an impartial view on the market and the price offered is more often 20-30% above the current retail price for electricity or gas.

At Energy Advice Line we strongly advise customers to not accept these offers and follow our simple steps to ensure that they are not locked into an uncompetitive contract.

Join our cold calling campaign here, and spread the word to say 'no' to cold calling on business energy!

Say No To Cold Calling on Business Energy