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The facts about energy supplier Extra Energy

In April 2014, an independent retail energy supplier named Extra Energy Supply Ltd was founded. Commonly known as ExtraEnergy, the gas and electricity provider was based in Birmingham, England, providing energy to SME and domestic customers.

The English energy company is under Extra Holding, a business that operates industries such as travel, insurance, telecoms, and energy.

Without any withholding debts and over 39% customers switching to the company, Extra Energy has become the fastest growing electricity and gas supplier in the country. The company, which is fully owned by Moti Ben-Moshe, has over 2 million customers.

Ben Jones is appointed as its managing directors in 2015 while Richard Rose was employed as its chief financial officer.

Two years after, it was selected by the newspaper Sun as its associate energy supplier to help its readers save money on their energy expenses. Known as the People Power deal, the readers who switched on the Extra Energy Tariff from the Big Six companies saved an average of £358.

Because of its growing market, the energy supplier has been featured in best buy tables. However, during the first three months of 2016, the company has gained over 1, 600 complaints and it was recorded as the “the highest complaints ratio ever.”

Energy At Home

Extra Energy takes pride on their “efficient systems” that keeps their rates low, allowing their customers to save more. The energy company also offers fast and easy switching that only requires four simple steps. In addition, their billings and other related documents are accurate and easy to understand plus their UK customer service is easy to reach. To get a quote, a new customer may apply online or call 0800 953 4774.

Warm Home Discount

Eligible customers can take advantage of Extra Energy’s “Warm Home Discount” that will help those who are having difficulties with paying their bills. The qualified customer will be given a one-off payment of £140 which will be added to the customer’s account and visible on the next bill.

For eligible prepayment customers, a voucher will be given which can be applied as a top up.

The criteria for the eligibility is divided into two — Core Group and Broader Group.

Core Group are those who receives Guarantee Credit element of Pension Credit or Guarantee Credit element of Pension Credit and Savings Credit.

Meanwhile, Broader Group is existing customers who need to answer several questions found on their website to know whether they’re eligible or not.

Some of the questions involve the customer’s gross annual income, age, Child Tax Credit, and many more.

Receiving The Warm Home Discount

Once accepted, the arm Home Discount Scheme applied on 2016/17 will be received on May 31, 2017. Extra Energy will notify their consumers about the discount.

Closing Date

Currently, there is no closing date for the Warm Home Discount, however, for Broader Group, a first come first serve basis is implemented.

Submission Of Documents

Although Extra Energy can get the requirements from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), customers may be asked to submit supporting documents when necessary, Otherwise, the application may be canceled.

In case the customer does not have the copy of the right documents, they can call the necessary departments such as the Universal Credit, Tax Credit Award, and Local Jobcentre Plus office.

Becoming A Customer

Switching to Extra Energy is quick and easy and it only takes about five weeks to complete. After applying online and agreeing with the switch, Extra Energy will notify the homeowner’s current supplier about it. The homeowner, however, should see to it that all the bills were properly settled, otherwise, their current supplier might object the switch.

Prepayment Meter

This method is the same as the pay-as-you-go meter wherein the customer uses a card or a key to pay for the energy consumed in advance. The upload the credit, the card/key is inserted into the meter.

Extra Energy Fuel Mix

Every supplier in the United Kingdom is required to release their Fuel Mix Disclosure every year as this shows how each of them produces their electricity and if it has any effect on the environment.

Extra Energy fuel sources are nuclear, coal, gas, renewable, and other.

Energy At Business

Extra Energy does not only offer energy convenience at home but also, in various businesses.

To apply, the company may contact Business Energy Renewals Team on 08453 503 761 or apply online.

Businesses can benefit from Extra Energy in many ways. First, they provide a simple way to save money and compare costs. Customers also have the privilege to have access at the lowest available price and their own online account. Moreover, an excellent customer service is provided to all businesses, regardless if it’s large or small.

Becoming A Customer

New businesses are willingly assisted to maximize their energy savings. Extra Energy can lend an outstanding initial quote and hints and tips for saving to the business.

Switching to Extra Energy lets the business manage on their energy cost each year for 36 months. This means that the business has greater control over their finances.

Extra Energy’s business prices are fixed, which can be locked in one, two, or three years depending on the business’ preference. The price is fixed, meaning, the rate will stay the same even if the market increases or decreases. Moreover, they have the access to ask assistance from great customer services based in the UK.

Meanwhile, existing customers who are planning to move premises can acquire assistance from the energy company by calling their Customer Services team on 08451 400 253 for more details.

Online Account

Every Extra Energy customer has the privilege to have their own online account which is helpful in many ways.

Having an online account allows the customer to manage and control their billings and meter readings. Through it, they can view their bills and payments made as well as make payments.

Customers can also manage their Direct Debits and their meter readings.  Finally, they can view and change their contact details.

In case you need independent advice, the Citizens Advice Consumer Service is available for small businesses. The service is free or people who are struggling with a supplier or to pay a bill.  Citizens Advice consumer service is available on 03454 04 0506

Information stated above from research in May 2017

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Say 'No' to cold calling on business energy

Unfortunately, business electricity and business gas customers in the UK are bombarded with unsolicited cold calls on a daily basis.

This unscrupulous approach does not offer the business energy customer an impartial view on the market and the price offered is more often 20-30% above the current retail price for electricity or gas.

At Energy Advice Line we strongly advise customers to not accept these offers and follow our simple steps to ensure that they are not locked into an uncompetitive contract.

Join our cold calling campaign here, and spread the word to say 'no' to cold calling on business energy!

Say No To Cold Calling on Business Energy