Here is what you need to know about E.ONFormerly known as Powergen, E.ON UK is one of the most powerful energy companies in the United Kingdom. Aside from being a subsidiary of the world’s biggest investor-owned gas and power company, E.ON, it also belonged in the London Stock Exchange. It was founded in 1989 under the name of Powergen, however, in July 2002, the company was owned by Germany. After changing its name, it has now become a retail business. Meter Installation For Businesses For companies who are moving into new premises, E.ON UK offers the best expert advice. They also offer tailored solutions to provide the best service suitable for different types of business. To start with, a dedicated manager will assist the business owner from the start until the end of the installation process. For the business owner, they need to get their gas and electricity supply numbers. The next step is registering the premises and finding the ideal quote. A quote will be sent via email which needs to be signed and sent back to E.ON UK. Once the signed quote is received, the business owner needs to prepare for the meter installation; meter fitting follows afterward. The account manager will still assist the business even in the future in case a new premise is decided. After the registration, the developer needs to get in touch with E.ON UK meter fitting and preparation of the installation. E.ON the UK will give hand over forms which the house builder can easily lend to the new homeowner. The forms should be returned within 10 days as part of the legal completion. Developers should also expect welcome packs for their homeowners. Meter Installation For House Builders Installing a new meter with E.ON UK is easy and quick, may it be in a house or on a business property. Construction companies and house builders are assisted from the very start; buying land until the keys are handed to the new homeowners. Their account managers offer on-hand advice and expertise to guarantee the best service. Meanwhile, the service offers no standing charge rate. To further understand the needs of the housing development, house builders can call 0333 202 4447. Developers are expected to follow a step-by-step process in installing their meters. With the assistance of a field account manager, the house builder needs to register their site and supplies. Meter Installation For Homes Preparing for a new home is a hard task, therefore, E.ON UK helps take the hassle away when it comes to electricity and gas supply. Meter installation, expert advice, and support are all free of charge. Moreover, the gas and electricity provider will help in managing the account on their first bill. Otherwise, they may call 0333 202 4592 for assistance. Customers are assisted on every step of the installation. For the first part, the self-builders are required to register their plots and supplies. Once the plot is registered, the customer is required to get in touch within 10 days for meter fitting and for the gas meters. Registering for an online account is recommended so consumers can easily manage their account, take advantage of their free Saving Energy Toolkit, and E.ON. Reward Points. Energy Tariffs Various energy tariffs are offered to find out which would work best for each home and business use Energy Advice Line’s comparision service. E.ON EnergyPlan The standard variable tariff is payable by Direct Debit or receipt of the bill. It has no exit fee with a £20 discount for both gas and electricity. Meanwhile, consumers can opt for a tariff payable by Smart Pay As You Go or prepayment. However, it has no discount on the on the gas and electricity. E.ON Saver Fixed 1 year v9 This tariff is best for those who are budget conscious; price is fixed even if the gas and electricity market increases. The plan, which is good for 12 months, is subject to VAT and regulatory changes. This is cheaper than the standard variable tariff, however, only customers who have an online account can avail this tariff. The tariff, which is payable by fixed monthly Direct Debit, is not available only as electricity-only tariff or Dual Fuel. E.ON Energy Fixed 1 Year v22 This tariff offers fixed priced which is protected from price increases for one year. It has no exit fee, subject to VAT, and regulatory changes. It comes with a free online account, where users can get paperless billing, and a Saving Energy Toolkit. E.ON Smart Meters Smart technology is immensely popular today and E.ON UK offers smart meters that can self-read and send meter readings to the users every month for free. It sports a free Smart Energy Display (SED) which displays the amount of energy used by the consumer. The advantage of using this instead of a traditional gas or electric meter is that the users don’t need to write down the meter readings prior to submitting it online. Rather, it sends the reading automatically to E.ON UK every month. Moreover, the user is guaranteed that the bills are accurate and not estimated. Business Energy Solutions Business owners, whether small, medium, or large, can take advantage of the gas and electricity services of E.ON. The variety of range solutions can help the business make use of the energy more effectively. For example, they offer a lighting solution that can help lessen the energy cost and improve the productivity of the staffs. Ultra-low Emission Vehicle Charging E.ON also offers vehicle charging solution that benefits the business in many ways. Business owners are guaranteed that it abides the necessary recommendations, regulations, and health and safety requirements in the UK. The charging is hassle-free; E.ON monitors the charging network all the time, therefore, all problems and inconvenience are lessened. Moreover, the energy used in the charging solution is backed up by Renewable Energy Guarantee. The service includes the installation, site, and commissioning. 2-year managed service package and a complete range of charging accessories and charge points. Information stated above from research in May 2017 |